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Tag: Send Email

Salesforce Flow: Fixing Formatting and Rendering Issues in Emails with Rich-Text Templates

When using the Send Email core action in Salesforce Flow to send an email with a rich-text body. Switching between plain text and rich text in the template editor alters the HTML markup, resulting in incorrect rendering and formatting issues.

To avoid this, use a plain text template with HTML markup and select Rich-Text-Formatted Body as true in the Send Email action. This approach ensures the email body is formatted correctly. See the attached screenshots for reference.

Advanced Send Email Flow Action – Send email from Salesforce flow with CC, BCC, and email attachments

This class can be used in flows to send emails programmatically without needing predefined email alerts.
It allows customization of email content, recipients, and attachments on the fly. The Apex class is designed to send emails from Salesforce without the need for an Email Alert.