Last updated on September 15, 2022
Let’s say, you want to make sure that if an opportunity has a quote then it must be synced with the opportunity in order to make the opportunity stage Closed Won. To achieve this requirement we can make a validation rule. But to make sure that the quote has at least one quote, we will have to create a roll-up summary field.
Step 1
Create a roll-up summary field on the opportunity object to count the number of quotes related to the opportunity.
Opportunity Roll-up summary field: Number of Quotes
Step 2
Create a validation rule on the opportunity object, that validates that if the opportunity has a quote then it must be synced with the opportunity in order to update the opportunity to closed won.
Created a validation rule: Opportunity_Must_be_sync_with_the_quote
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "Closed Won"),
ISCHANGED( StageName ),
Number_of_Quotes__c > 0,
ISBLANK( SyncedQuote.Id )
Error Message: Please sync the primary quote in order to update the Opportunity to Closed Won.